
Exhibitions June 18, 2011

CryUnreal_collaborative work_game
CryUnreal, two channel interactive installation, 2011

Collaborative work with Thomas Hawranke
Presented in conjunction with the »Paidia Laboratory: feedback« series
of Paidia Institute at several locations,
(i.a. Computerspielemuseum Berlin/transmediale 2012, Platine Köln 2011)

In CryUnreal one player controls two games at the same time with only one interface. The level-design is based on a hand drawn map which was translated via the engines of the computer games FarCry (Cryengine) and Unreal Tournament (Unreal-Engine). The two games are double-boxed.

See two short samples (1 and 2) of the installation at Platine 2011.

Paidia Institute is represented with the Paidia Laboratory: feedback by Jonas Hansen, Thomas Hawranke, Karin Lingnau and Lasse Scherffig