All posts tagged ‘Text

Practices of Approximation

Exhibitions July 13, 2019

Exhibition Practices of Approximation – Praktiken der Annäherung July 14-28, 2019 Temporary Gallery A cooperation of Aneta Rostkowska (director, Temporary Gallery), Mathias Antlfinger, Nieves de la Fuente Gutiérrez, Thomas Hawranke, Ute Hörner (Atelier Transmedialer Raum, KHM), Verena Friedrich (exMediaLab, KHM) and Karin Lingnau (experimentelle Informatik, KHM) Satellite to the Rundgang of KHM

Mengenlehre by hans w. koch

Talk June 20, 2018

Introductory speech @ Exhibition hans w. koch: Mengenlehre (the O. theorem no. 19) introductory speech about the mathematical and spatial aspects of hans w. kochs soundinstallation for a bilinski dodecahedron with 12 loudspeakers June 20, 2018 Künstlerhaus Saar, Saarbrücken Image: hans w. koch, cover of the catalogue (collage with loudspeaker, 12tone-calculations and a model of […]